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Jancis Robinson

The Jancis Glass (Set of 1, 2 or 6)

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5-Year Anniversary Complimentary Polishing Cloth.

Purchase any item from the Jancis Robinson Collection and receive a complimentary Polishing Cloth cloth. While stocks last.

The only stemmed glass you will need to enjoy every wine at its best. Use this glass for every wine, whatever its colour, including sparkling wine, port, sherry, sweet wines and anything else you want to savour and enjoy to the fullest.

This shape has been specially designed to maximise your enjoyment of all wines’ aromas, flavours and textures in the most practical way possible.

Dishwasher Safe

ø9cm, H22.4cm

ø3.6", H8.8"

“This glass shatters the biggest myth about wine”
- Fast Company Magazine